The ASCC project has built a team of experienced partners to improve access and to make available online, an enhanced hospital-based, adoption- sensitive care curriculum (UIA 7) in a cooperative agreement with the Children’s Bureau. The updated UIA 7 curriculum and training process will improve access to adoption-sensitive care training for hospital-based staff. Hospital-based staff will have increased knowledge of state and federal laws, nondirective counseling, adoption types and practices. They also will have increased knowledge of local adoption information, resources, agencies, and sources of TA. Hospital-based staff (HBS) will learn basic case management skills for counseling expectant parents, including the ability to assess service needs and make appropriate referrals. As a result, HBSs will feel competent in providing expectant parents with options, including adoption, in a nondirective manner.
After updating and enhancing the new UIA 7 curricula, it too will be made 508 compliant and accessible on a national website built to allow recruited and selected adoption experts and health care educators access to Train-the-Trainer materials as well as providing hospital-based service providers access to online asynchronous courses.